Contact Us
PCB Order Problems:
- At present, the EasyEDA PCB fabrication and PCB Assembly service is transferred to JLCPCB. Although EasyEDA is part of the same company group, for any PCB order problems please contact with JLCPCB using the email address above.
Parts Order Problems:
- EasyEDA provides direct links to thousands of components which can be ordered directly from LCSC. For any problems with LCSC parts orders, please contact LCSC using the email address above.
All Other Inquiries About EasyEDA:
- Tutorials: EasyEDA tutorial
- User forum: EasyEDA forum
- If you find a problem whilst using EasyEDA please first post to the forum to ask for help. If the issue cannot be resolved there, please download and attach the EasyEDA source file of your Schematic, PCB or Project together with a clear, step-by-step description of how to repeat the issue to:
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EasyEDA team may not have the time or resources to help you fix all your problems; we may just be able to help you to fix problems commonly encountered by newbies, such as using a drawing polyline in place of a wire, finding a spice model for a simulation or selecting the right PCB footprint.
Please note that although some browsers or plug-ins allow you to use gestures, EasyEDA does not work with gestures, so you should disable this function.
Simultaneous editing is not yet fully supported: care must be taken because the last save by any collaborator overwrites all previous saves.
When signing up for an account with EasyEDA, please take a few moments to think about your username because this is the name that other users will see on your designs and posts if you choose to share them or make them public. Once you have created an account, you cannot change your username.
You can use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols to make a strong password but please note that the password entry is case sensitive.
PCBs ordered directly from an EasyEDA project are passed on to and fullfilled by, JLCPCB.
Business Development/Cooperation About EasyEDA:
please contact
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- F19, Olympic Building, No.2 Shangbao Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518000, China