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Simulation eBook - Headings

Simulation eBook - Headings

Preliminary remarksHow to find simulatable parts in EasyEDA [How to find Spice Symbols which have models already associated with them]( -Symbols-which-have-models-already-associated-with-them) How to find spice models and subcircuits which may or may not already have a symbol associated with themWhat to do for a part that has no model available in EasyEDA but for which a 3rd party model is availableWhat to do if there is a 3rd party model available but for which there is no suitable symbol in EasyEDAWhat to do if there is no model available for a partHow to run a simulation

  1. Introduction
    1. What this book is for
    2. What this book is not for
    3. Who this book is for
    4. How the book is structured
  2. Introductory concepts of simulation
  3. About naming conventions
  4. Introduction to using a simulator
    1. Avoiding common mistakes
      1. All simulation circuits MUST have a ground node
      2. The ground node MUST NOT have a Voltage Probe attached to it
      3. All simulation circuits MUST have a power and/or signal source
      4. Every point in a simulation schematic MUST have a DC path to ground
        1. Values and DC paths of RLC components
        2. DC paths through Voltage and Current Sources
        3. The effects of adding DC paths
        4. Common problems with DC paths
      5. Components are connected by netnames
  5. Probing signals
    1. Probing voltages
    2. Probing currents
  6. Advanced probing and simulation control
    1. The probe command
      1. What the probe spice directive does
      2. The syntax of a probe directive
      3. Using the probe command to make measurements
      4. Probing instantaneous power
      5. Probing resistances
    2. Using F8 (was CTRL+R) to run a simulation directly
  7. Configuring Voltage and Current Sources
    1. Configuring the SIN (or SINE) option
    2. More ways to use the SIN (or SINE) option
    3. Configuring the PULSE option
    4. More ways to use the PULSE option
    5. Configuring the EXP option
    6. Configuring the SFFM option
    7. Configuring the PWL option
    8. Configuring the AC source option
  8. Setting up Analyses
    1. What are Analyses?
    2. SPICE Analyses available via CTRL+J
    3. SPICE Analyses and Control Statement Syntax
      1. OP: Perform an Operating Point Analysis
      2. TF: Perform a DC Transfer Function Analysis
      3. DC: Perform a DC Sweep Analysis
      4. AC: Perform a SmallSignal AC (frequency domain) Analysis
      5. TRAN: Perform a Transient (time domain) Analysis
      6. IC: Set Initial Conditions
  9. Initial conditions and starting up circuits
    1. Some background and basic startup techniques
    2. Setting initial voltages on nets and currents through components
      1. Using the .ic spice directive to set an initial voltage condition on a net
      2. Using a current source to set an initial current through an inductor
      3. Setting the initial voltage on a capacitor
      4. Setting the initial current through an inductor
    3. Using a 1V source to help startup
    4. Replacing ideal and Thevenin voltage sources with bandlimited Norton Sources to help startup
    5. Using the OFF option to help startup
  10. Expressions
    1. Operators
    2. Using Expressions to define component values
    3. Using Expressions to configure voltage and current sources
  11. Parameters
    1. Using parameters in expressions
  12. Functions
    1. Predefined functions
      1. Table of functions
    2. User defined functions
  13. B sources
  14. Device models
    1. Why are there different models for the same device?
    2. .model statements 1.LTspice model types
    3. .subckt definitions
    4. Behavioural models
    5. What if there is no model available for a device?
    6. The relationship between spice models and device datasheets
    7. The relationship between spice models and real world behaviour
    8. How to change the model attached to a symbol 1.For .MODEL defined models 2.For .SUBCKT defined models 3.Attaching models to custom symbols
  15. Schematic symbols: prefixes and pin numbers
    1. PCB and Spice Prefix
    2. PCB and Spice pin numbers
  16. Custom modelling
  17. Making measurements of simulation results
    1. Using the WaveForm display cursors
    2. Using the EasyEDA Oscilloscope
    3. Using the meas command
    4. The meaning of terms in meas commands
    5. Types, syntaxes and examples of .meas commands
      1. Types
        1. Point
        2. Range
    6. Examples of the use of .MEAS statements
    7. More examples of measure statements
    8. On the accuracy of the results of .meas statements