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Schematic Modules

Copying codes is an easy job for coders, now copying and reusing a schematic or PCB is easy. Take a power supply unit for example, you can save this unit as a schematic module. Via File > Save as Module: EasyEDA support create the PCB modules, it seems schematic module.

How to Create

Via: Save as Module and File > New > Schematic/PCB Module

picture 98

PCB module save at Library > Schematic/PCB module > Work Space > My Libraries

picture 99

How to use

Since v6.4.3, after placing schematic modules and PCB modules, after Import Changes, supports to keep the layout location.

How to use:

  1. Draw schematic modules and PCB modules, and ensure that their component prefix are one to one, and the footprint is also corresponding. The module's component prefix can not have question marks and duplicate prefix, such as U? or two R1.

  2. Open schematic and PCB at a same project.

  3. Open "Library", select the module.

  4. Click the "Place" button to place the previous saved schematic module and PCB module.

  5. It will pop up a window to enter English letter. The letter of schematic module should keep corresponding with PCB modules.
    picture 100 For example: A component at schematic module is U2, enter letter K, press OK to place into canvas, it will be KU2, then PCB module has KU2 too.
    Click "OK" and enter the placement mode. After each placement, the pop-up will continue to enter the identification letter. Make sure that the identification letters entered each time are unique.

  6. When finish the module place, the PCB component unique ID will same as Schematic component unique ID, then after Import Changes, the component's location will be keep. and you can update the track's net follow the schematic netlabel too.

That implement the multipe chanel placing.


  • Module composes by tracks and components, it doesn't same as symbol binding footprint, the schematic module can not binding PCB module, after placing, the module will be separated by many objects, only the symbol and footprint can be corresponding via component ID, that is why you need to make the identication letter unique for placing each time to make sure schematic module corresponding with PCB module.