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Net Name Visible

PCB editor can display net name in the track or Pads, if you don't need this feature, just need to turn it off via:

Top Menu > View > PCB Net Visible, or press hotkey CTR+Q .
picture 101

Net Length

After selecting a track, and then pressing H key or click its net at Design Manager, EasyEDA will highlight the whole net and pop a message box to tell you the whole net's length. like in the image below
picture 102

Net Color

If you want to change one Ratline's or Net's color, you can set it at: Top Menu- Tools - Net Color. After setting the color, you need to click the plus icon on the right. The color is not affected by the color of the ratline layer.

picture 103

When you set a color for a net, you need to click the + button to make it works.