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Shortcut Keys

While using an EDA tool suite, clicking all over the place with a mouse can get very tedious and seriously reduces your productivity. Keyboard shortcuts or Hotkeys avoid much of that. EasyEDA not only provides many hotkeys, but also every hotkey can be reconfigured to your personal preference.

Under the Setting menu, click the Hotkeys Setting... Menu which will open the Hotkey Setting dialog. picture 61

To change a Hotkey, click anywhere in the row for the hotkey you want to change and then press your new key.

For example, if you want to use R instead of space to rotate selected objects, click on the first row, then press R.

After changing any hotkey, you must click the Save Changes button.

The docType column describes which type of EasyEDA document each hotkey applies to. docType has three types:

  • ALL: any document type in EasyEDA.
  • SCH: schematic and schematic libs
  • PCB: PCB and Footprints.

The functions of some hotkeys may change between docTypes. For example, the hotkey C draws an Arc in SCH but draws a circle in PCB.

A list of all the available default hotkeys is given below.

All document

AllSpaceRotate selected objects
AllRight-ClickKeep right-click to pan canvas; Open offset dialog when select one object
AllLeftScroll Or Move selected left
AllRightScroll or Move selected right
AllUpScroll or Move selected up
AllDownScroll or Move selected down
AllTABChange object's attributes when placing; Open offset dialog when selecting an object
AllEscCancel current drawing
AllHomesetting new canvas origin
AllDeleteDelete Selected
AllF1Open tutorials
AllF11Full screen at browser
AllAZoom In
AllZZoom Out
AllKFit Window
AllRRotate selected objects
AllXFlip Horizontal(doesn't support footprint)
AllYFlip Vertical(doesn't support footprint)
AllALT+F5Full screen at browser
AllALT+WClose current tab
AllSHIFT+ALT+WClose all tabs
AllCTRL+ASelect All
AllCTRL+FFind Component
AllCTRL+DDesign Manager
AllCTRL+HomeOpen canvas origin setting dialog
AllSHIFT+1Cycle forward to next open tabbed document
AllSHIFT+2Cycle backward to next open tabbed document
AllSHIFT+XCross Probe
AllSHIFT+FSearch Library
AllSHIFT+DragCursor snap to part's origin
AllSHIFT+ALT+HAlign horizontal centers
AllSHIFT+ALT+EAlign verticas centers
AllCTRL+SHIFT+LAlign left
AllCTRL+SHIFT+RAlign right
AllCTRL+SHIFT+OAlign top
AllCTRL+SHIFT+BAlign bottom
AllCTRL+SHIFT+GAlign grid
AllCTRL+SHIFT+HDistribute Horizontally
AllCTRL+SHIFT+EDistribute Vertically
AllCTRL+SHIFT+FFind similar objects


SchematicWDraw Wire
SchematicBDraw Bus
SchematicUBus Entry
SchematicPPlace Pin
SchematicLDraw Polyline
SchematicODraw Polygon
SchematicQDraw Bezier
SchematicCDraw Arc
SchematicSDraw Rect
SchematicEDraw Ellipse
SchematicFFreehand Draw
SchematicTPlace Text
SchematicIEdit Selected Symbol
SchematicCTRL+QNetFlag VCC
SchematicCTRL+GNetFlag GND
SchematicF8Run the Document Simulation
SchematicCTRL+JOpen the Simulation Setting
SchematicCTRL+SHIFT+XCross Probe and Place
SchematicSHIFT+TOpen symbol wizard
SchematicALT+FOpen footprint manager


PCBWDraw Track
PCBUDraw Arc
PCBCDraw Circle
PCBNDraw Dimension
PCBSDraw Text
PCBODraw Connect
PCBEDraw copperArea
PCBTChange To TopLayer; Change selected part to toplayer
PCBBChange To BottomLayer; Change selected part to bottomlayer
PCB1Change To Inner1
PCB2Change To Inner2
PCB3Change To Inner3
PCB4Change To Inner4
PCBPPlace Pad
PCBQChange canvas unit
PCBVPlace Via
PCBHHighlight Net all the time, press it again cancel highlight
PCBLChange Route Angle
PCB-Decrease Routing Width; Switch to the forward signal layer
PCB+Increase Routing Width; Switch to the next signal layer
PCB*Cycle switch to the next signal layer
PCBDeleteDelete selected object; Undo the track when routing
PCBALT--Decrease Snap Size
PCBALT++Increase Snap Size
PCBCTRL+RDepend on reference point for copy object repeatly
PCBCTRL+LOpen layer manager
PCBCTRL+QHide/show network text
PCBSHIFT+MRemove All Copper Area fill data
PCBSHIFT+BRebuild All Copper Area
PCBSHIFT+DMove Object(s) by reference point
PCBSHIFT+GDisplay track length while routing
PCBSHIFT+WShow favorite track width while routing
PCBSHIFT+RChange routing conflict
PCBSHIFT+SToggle layers which is not active
PCBSHIFT+Double ClickDelete selected track segment
PCBCTRL+SHIFT+VPaste object(s) and keep the prefix, and hide the ratline layer
PCBCTRL+SHIFT+SPACEChange routing angle, same as hotkey L
PCBCTRL+ALT+LEnable all layers
FootprintCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+DOpen custom data dialog