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EasyEDA Schematic File Format

EasyEDA Schematic File Format

Note: Schematic, Schematic Symbol, Spice Symbol, Subpart and Subckt are used the same file format. Please check Schematic JSON File Source out before keeping read.

Head information for schematic and subckt.



  1. document type :1
  2. document version: 1.7.5h
  3. custom attributes: key: value pairs, separate with **, added via **Add Parameter**
  4. spice simulation configure store, Now can set four types tran, AC, DC, TF, every type split with {. When opening the simulation dialog, these information will be listed in like below image

Head information for Schematic Symbol, Spice Symbol and Subpart



  1. document type :7
  2. document version: 1.7.5
  3. origin x position. Reserved field, can't be changeded
  4. origin y position. Reserved field, can't be changeded
  5. custom attributes: key: value pairs, separate with `, added via Add new parameter.
package: DIP08
nameDispaly: 0 (hide it is name when placed to schematic)
nameAlias: Model
pre:U? , when place to schematic, will be marked as U1, U2. subpart will be set as `U?.1`, `U?.2` etc.
spicePre:X, `X` stands for a subckt.
sourceId:xxxxxxxxx (just for schematic Lib and spice symbol)

Place it to schematic canvas, it's attributes will be looked like below image. The name field is alias as Model and it is invisible.




  1. command: CA
  2. view box width: 1200, View Box Width / Canvas width = scaleX
  3. view box height: 1200,View Box Height / Canvas Height = scaleY
  4. back ground: #FFFFFF
  5. grid visible: yes/none
  6. grid color: #CCCCCC
  7. grid size: 10 pixel
  8. canvas width: 1200 pixel
  9. canvas height: 1200 pixel
  10. grid style: line/dot
  11. snap size: 10 pixel
  12. unit: pixel(Always pixel)
  13. ALT snap size:5 (Snap Size when pressing the ALT Key)
  14. origin x position
  15. origin y position

Canvas setting image


The shape is an array. EasyEDA store various shape in this field, they are different with a command which locate at the begin of the string.

	    "PL~210 100 260 100~#000000~2~0~none~gge58",
	    "PG~310 100 350 130 300 150 290 150 270 120~#000000~2~0~none~gge64",
	    "PT~M230 170 C270 200 270 170 240 150 240 150 240 150 240 150~#000000~2~0~none~gge65"




Check Rect element of SVG out.

  1. command: R
  2. x: 650
  3. y: 0
  4. rx: 20
  5. ry: 20
  6. width: 230
  7. height: 160
  8. strokeColor: #FF0000
  9. strokeWidth: 2 //pixel
  10. strokeStyle: 1
  11. fillColor: #9966FF
  12. id: gge36
  13. locked:null Rect's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


"PL~610 130 780 130~#FF0000~5~0~none~gge6"

Check Polyline element of SVG out.

  1. command: PL
  2. points: 610 130 780 130
  3. strokeColor: #FF0000
  4. strokeWidth: 5 //pixel
  5. strokeStyle: 0
  6. fillColor: none
  7. id: gge6
  8. locked:null Polyline's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


"PT~M670 300 C830 370 850 230 920 300 920 300 920 300 920 300~#000000~1~0~none~gge17"

Check Path element of SVG out.

  1. command: PT
  2. pathString:M670 300 C830 370 850 230 920 300 920 300 920 300 920 300
  3. strokeColor: #FF0000
  4. strokeWidth: 5 //pixel
  5. strokeStyle: 0
  6. fillColor: none
  7. id: gge6
  8. locked:null Path's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

bezier is a path too.


"A~M 1020 60 A 80 80 0 0 1 953.096 199.904~968.78,121.45,1048.785,201.457,1018.785,61.457,948.785,221.45~#FF0000~3~0~none~gge19"

Arc is a Path element, Check Path element of SVG out.

  1. command: A
  2. pathString:M670 300 C830 370 850 230 920 300 920 300 920 300 920 300
  3. helperDots: the four green dots
  4. strokeColor: #FF0000
  5. strokeWidth: 3 //pixel
  6. strokeStyle: 0
  7. fillColor: none
  8. id: gge19
  9. locked:null

ARC's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


"PI~M 970 40 L 1189.9 34.4509 A 220 180 0 0 1 923.103 215.863 Z~970,40,1190,220,1327.7106323242188,30.973068237304688,923.1032104492188,215.86282348632812~#FF0000~3~0~#CCCCCC~gge22"

Pie is a Path element, Check Path element of SVG out. Pie is similar with Arc, the pathString has a Z

  1. command: PI
  2. pathString:M 970 40 L 1189.9 34.4509 A 220 180 0 0 1 923.103 215.863 Z
  3. helperDots: the four green dots
  4. strokeColor: #FF0000
  5. strokeWidth: 3 //pixel
  6. strokeStyle: 0
  7. fillColor: none
  8. id: gge19
  9. locked:null

Pie's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

picture 4

Bus Entry



  1. command: BE
  2. rotation:0
  3. start x1: 660
  4. start y1: 150
  5. end x1: 670
  6. end y1: 140
  7. id: gge15
  8. locked:null

Bus Entry's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

picture 5



Check Image element of SVG out.

  1. command: I
  2. x: 610
  3. y: 10
  4. width: 271
  5. height: 105
  6. rotation: 0
  7. href:
  8. id: gge12
  9. locked:null Image's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

picture 6


"PG~640 10 900 40 920 140 760 230 560 140~#FF0000~2~0~#00FF00~gge10"

Check Polygon element of SVG out.

  1. command: PG
  2. points: 640 10 900 40 920 140 760 230 560 140
  3. strokeColor: #FF0000
  4. strokeWidth: 2 //pixel
  5. strokeStyle: 0
  6. fillColor: #00FF00
  7. id: gge10
  8. locked:null Polygon's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

picture 7



Check Line element of SVG out.

  1. command: L
  2. x1:360
  3. y1:160
  4. x2:510
  5. y2:160
  6. strokeColor: #FF0000
  7. strokeWidth: 2 //pixel
  8. strokeStyle: 0
  9. fillColor: #00FF00
  10. id: gge11
  11. locked:null



Check Circle element of SVG out.

  1. command: C
  2. cx:720
  3. cy:90
  4. r:105
  5. strokeColor: #FF0000
  6. strokeWidth: 2 //pixel
  7. strokeStyle: 0
  8. fillColor: #0000FF
  9. id: gge12
  10. locked:null


"B~570 130 680 130 680 210~#008800~2~0~none~gge19"

Bus is similar with Polyline, Bus is start with B, polyline start with PL.


"P~show~0~1~670~30~~gge23^^670~30^^M 670 30 h -20~#880000^^1~648~33~0~1~end~~11pt^^1~655~29~0~1~start~~11pt^^0~653~30^^0~M 650 27 L 647 30 L 650 33"
  1. Pin configure P~show~0~1~670~30~~gge23

    1. command: P
    2. display: show/'' (bad design, should use yes/none)
    3. electric: 0, can be ['Undefined', 'Input','Output','I/O','Power']
    4. spice pin number: 1
    5. position x: 670
    6. position y: 30
    7. rotation: null, can be ['null' or 0, '90', '180', '270']
    8. id: gge23
    9. locked: null
  2. pin dot 670~30
    The gray dot at the end of the Pin, it is important.

    1. pin dot x: 670
    2. pin dot y: 30
  3. pin path M 670 30 h -20~#880000

    1. path: M 670 30 h -20, a 20 pixel horizontal line start from pin dot
    2. pin color: #880000
  4. name 1~648~33~0~1~end~~11pt

    1. visible : 1/0 stand show or hide
    2. position x: 648
    3. position y: 33
    4. rotation: 0
    5. text: 1
    6. text anchor: end
    7. font family: null, default is Verdana
    8. font size: 11pt, default is 7pt
  5. number 1~655~29~0~1~start~~11pt

    the same as name above

  6. dot 0~653~30

    stands for not. a circle with radius in 3 pixel

    1. visible : 0/1 hide / show
    2. circle x: 653
    3. circle y: 30
  7. clock 0~M 650 27 L 647 30 L 650 33

    1. visible: 0/1 hide / show
    2. clock path: M 650 27 L 647 30 L 650 33

Pin's attributes and image looks like bellow image:



Check Ellipse element of SVG out.

  1. command: E
  2. cx:720
  3. cy:90
  4. rx:105
  5. ry:65
  6. strokeColor: #FF0000
  7. strokeWidth: 2 //pixel
  8. strokeStyle: 0
  9. fillColor: #0000FF
  10. id: gge12
  11. locked:null

Ellipse's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


"AR~part_arrowhead~1060~120~gge23~180~M 1060 120 L 1063 126 L 1055 120 L 1063 114 Z~#FF0000"


  1. command: AR
  2. part Type:part_arrowhead, not used
  3. x:1060
  4. y:120
  5. id:gge23
  6. rotation: 180
  7. path String: M 1060 120 L 1063 126 L 1055 120 L 1063 114 Z
  8. fillColor: #FF0000
  9. locked:null

Arrow head's attributes and image looks like bellow image:



Check Text element of SVG out. Format:

  1. command: T
  2. mark: L // L = label, N = Name, P = prefix N,P are for Symbol
  3. position x:540
  4. position y:60
  5. rotation:0
  6. fill color: #0000FF
  7. font family: null, default is Verdana
  8. font size: 9pt
  9. font-weight: bold
  10. font style: normal
  11. dominant baseline: null
  12. text type: comment // comment or spice command
  13. string: Text
  14. visible: 1/0 show/hide (use for mark N or P )
  15. text anchor: start (start middle end)
  16. id:gge26
  17. locked:null

Text's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


    "N~360~100~0~#FF0000~VCC~gge32~start~362~100~Times New Roman~",


  1. command: N
  2. pin dot x: 360
  3. pin dot y: 100
  4. rotation: 0
  5. fill color: #FF0000
  6. name: VCC
  7. id: gge32
  8. text anchor: start (start middle end)
  9. postion x: 362
  10. postion y: 100
  11. font family: Times New Roman
  12. font size:null default is 7pt
  13. locked:null

netlabel's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


Netflag is very similar with netlabel

"F~part_netLabel_gnD~330~110~~gge41^^330~110^^GND~#000080~319~97~0~start~0~Times New Roman~9pt^^PL~330 120 330 110~#000000~1~0~none~gge44^^PL~320 120 339 120~#000000~1~0~none~gge45^^PL~324 122 337 122~#000000~1~0~none~gge46^^PL~326 124 333 124~#000000~1~0~none~gge47^^PL~329 126 331 126~#000000~1~0~none~gge48",
  1. configure P~show~0~1~670~30~~gge23

    1. command: F
    2. part id: part_netLabel_gnD
    3. position x: 330
    4. position y: 110
    5. rotation: null [0, 90, 180, 270]
    6. id: gge41,
    7. locked: null
  2. pin dot 670~30
    The gray dot at the end of the Pin, it is important.

    1. pin dot x: 330
    2. pin dot y: 140
  3. mark string GND~#000080~319~97~0~start~0~Times New Roman~9pt

    1. net flag string: GND
    2. color: #000080
    3. position x: 319
    4. position y: 97
    5. rotation: 0 [0, 90, 180, 270]
    6. text anchor: start (start middle end)
    7. visible: 1/0 show/hide the net flag string
    8. font family: Times New Roman
    9. font size:null default is 7pt
  4. shapes

    All other items are shapes.

netflag's attributes and image looks like bellow image:


	"W~570 130 680 130 680 210~#008800~2~0~none~gge19"

Wire is similar with Polyline, Wire is start with W, polyline start with PL.




  1. command: J
  2. pin dot x: 420
  3. pin dot y: 140
  4. junction circle radius: 2.5 pixel
  5. fill color: #CC0000
  6. id: gge18
  7. locked:null

Junction's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

No Connect Flag

    "O~960~410~gge5~M956,406 L964,414 M964,406 L956,414~#FF0000"


  1. command: O
  2. pin dot x: 960
  3. pin dot y: 410
  4. id: gge5
  5. pathStr: M956,406 L964,414 M964,406 L956,414
  6. color: #FF0000
  7. locked:null

No Connect Flag's attributes and image looks like bellow image:

picture 8


"LIB~220~140~package`C1`nameAlias`Value(F)`Value(F)`1u`spicePre`C`spiceSymbolName`Capacitor`~~0~gge66#@$T~N~214~129~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~1u~1~start~gge68#@$T~P~214~120~0~#000080~Arial~~~~~comment~C1~1~start~gge69#@$PL~218 148 218 132~#A00000~1~0~none~gge70#@$P~show~0~1~200~120~180~gge71^^200~140^^M 210 140 h -10~#800^^0~214~140~0~1~start~~^^0~206~136~0~1~end~~^^^^#@$PL~230 140 222 140~#A00000~1~0~none~gge72#@$PL~222 132 222 148~#A00000~1~0~none~gge73#@$P~show~0~2~210~120~0~gge74^^240~140^^M 230 140 h 10~#800^^0~226~140~0~2~end~~^^0~234~136~0~2~start~~^^^^#@$PL~218 140 210 140~#A00000~1~0~none~gge75"
  1. configure LIB~270~140~package`DO35-7`nameAlias`Model`Model`1N4001`spicePre`D`spiceSymbolName`Diode`~~0~gge116

    1. command: LIB
    2. position x: 270
    3. position y: 140
    4. rotation: 0, can be ['null' or 0, '90', '180', '270']
    5. import flag: 0 just used in import from eagle
    6. id: gge116
    7. locked: null
  2. shapes

    All other items are shapes.


  • 0 : solid
  • 1 : dashed
  • 2: dotted


1. Why don't save the Wire, Annotion, netlabel, netflag to Shape field.

These items will be used to create netlist, save them to separate field will make you spent more less time to do this. We don't need to traversal all the shapes.