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API List

Get EasyEDA Source

  1. get EasyEDA JSON objects, type is json, you can check PCB Json object out to know more.

    var result = api('getSource', {type:'json'});
  2. get EasyEDA compress string, EasyEDA save this string to our database, it is a bit little hard to read and understand, but it is small in size. EasyEDA save this string to our database.

    var result = api('getSource', {type:'compress'});
  3. Get SVG string

    var result = api('getSource', {type:'svg'});

Check the Get EasyEDA source example codes.

Apply Source

After you can use your codes to hack EasyEDA's source, then you need to apply the source to EasyEDA's editor. You can

  1. Apply as compress string

//will open a new editor and convert compressStr to EasyEDA file.

		api('applySource', {source:'compressStr', createNew: true});
  1. Apply as Json object.

//will modify the active file and convert json object to EasyEDA file.

		api('applySource', {source: json, createNew: !true});

Check the Apply Source example codes.

Get Shape

If you want to get an EasyEDA json object by id, you can try to use bellow code.

      var obj = api('getShape', {id:'gge13'})

Delete Shapes

Removing shapes by follow code

Update Shape

If you want to modify an EasyEDA object, you can use this API.

Change the net to GND and the shape to ELLIPSE:

	 api('updateShape', {
	  	"shapeType": "PAD",
	 	"jsonCache": {
	 	"gId": "gge5",
	 	"net": "GND"
	 	"shape": "ELLIPSE"

shapeType and gId are must provided.

  1. Schematic
    shapeType, schlib, rect, polyline, polygon, wire, bus, image, circle, ellipse, line, path, arc, annotation, junction, netlabel, busentry, arrowhead, noconnectflag, pin, netflag
  2. PCB

Create Shape

If you want to create EasyEDA shape by codes, you can try. We will provide more information about this API soon, now we just provide examples. You will find out how to do.

with shortUrl: @example

api('createShape', {shapeType:'schlib', shortUrl:'nxlVIGgQO', from:'system', title:'556_DIL14', x:400, y:300});
api('createShape', {shapeType:'FOOTPRINT', shortUrl:'RrkewO60i', from:'system', title:'ARDUINO_PRO_MINI', x:400, y:300});

with jsonCache object:


api('createShape', {
  "shapeType": "PAD",
  "jsonCache": {
    "gId": "gge5",
    "layerid": "11",
    "shape": "ELLIPSE",
    "x": 382,
    "y": 208,
    "net": "",
    "width": 6,
    "height": 6,
    "number": "1",
    "holeR": 1.8,
    "pointArr": [],
    "rotation": "0"


api('createShape', {
    "shapeType": "polygon",
    "stroke": "#000000",
    "stroke-width": "1",
    "stroke-style": "dashed",
    "fill": "none",
    "points": [
        {"x": 390, "y": 580},
        {"x": 450, "y": 450},
        {"x": 520, "y": 580},
        {"x": 610, "y": 490}


api('createShape', {
    "shapeType": "arrowhead",
    "x": 300,
    "y": 300,
    "color": "#339933",
    "size": "3",
    "rotation": 0


var ts = ["no_connect_flag", "arrowhead", "busentry", "netLabel_GNd", "netLabel_GnD", "netLabel_gnD", "netLabel_Bar", "netLabel_VEE", "netLabel_-5V", "netLabel_+5V", "netLabel_VCC", "netLabel_volProbe", "netLabel_netPort", "netLabel_text", "pin", "annotation"];
for(var i=0;i<ts.length;i++){
    api('createShape', {
        "shapeType": ts[i],
        "x": 300 + i%5*50,
        "y": 300 + (i/5|0)*50

with cached or pre-defined libs: @example

api('createShape', {"shapeType": "pcblib", from:'GeneralPackages', title:'C0402', x:400, y:300});
api('createShape', {"shapeType": "schlib", from:'EasyEDALibs', title:'HDR2X2', x:400, y:300});

@example 4

api('createShape', {
    "shapeType": "schlib",
    "gId": "gge6",
    "head": {},
    "itemOrder": [],
    "annotation": {
        "gge8": api('createShape', 'annotation', {}),
        "gge9": api('createShape', 'annotation', {})
    "pin": {
        "gge11": api('createShape', 'pin', {}),
        "gge14": api('createShape', 'pin', {})
    "polyline": {
        "gge10": api('createShape', 'polyline', {}),
        "gge12": api('createShape', 'polyline', {})

@example 5

api('createShape', {
    "shapeType": "schlib",
    "gId": "gge6",
    "head": {},
    "children": [
        api('createShape', 'polyline', {}),
        api('createShape', 'polyline', {}),
        api('createShape', 'pin', {}),
        api('createShape', 'pin', {}),
        api('createShape', 'annotation', {}),
        api('createShape', 'annotation', {})

@example 6

api('createShape', {
    "shapeType": "schlib",
    "gId": "gge6",
    "head": {},
    "children": api('createShape', [
        ['polyline', {}],
        ['polyline', {}],
        ['pin', {}],
        ['pin', {}],
        ['annotation', {}],
        ['annotation', {}]


If you want to create an extension, not just a run one time script, maybe need toolbar button. You can check the example before you read.

Create Toolbar Button

@example create a button:

	 api('createToolbarButton', {
	  title:'Theme Colors...',

@example toolbar with menu:

api('createToolbarButton', {
 title:'Theme Colors...',
 "menu" : [
     {"text":"White on Black", "cmd":"extension-theme-WhiteOnBlack"},
     {"text":"Black on White", "cmd":"extension-theme-BlackOnWhite"},
     {"text":"Custom Colors...", "cmd":"extension-theme-setting"}

Create Extension Menu


api('createExtensionMenu', [
     "text":"Theme Colors...",
     "fordoctype": "sch,schlib",
     "cmd": "extension-theme-white"

Create Dialog

check the example

Command List


// clone gge2 gge3 and return their new ids.

      var newIds = api('clone', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]})


	  api('delete', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});


// rotate ids to 90 degree

    api('rotate', {ids:["gge2","gge3"],degree:90});

Rotate Left


    api('rotate_left', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Rotate Right


    api('rotate_right', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});


    api('fliph', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});


    api('flipv', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Align Left

api('align_left', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Align Right

api('align_right', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Align Top

api('align_top', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Align Bottom

api('align_bottom', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});


Change or get selection states of EasyEDA objects in editor.


// gge2 and gge3 will be marked as selected.

      api('select', {ids:["gge2","gge3"]});

Select None

//no objects will be selected.


Get Selected Ids

 var ids = api('getSelectedIds');


You can use Update Shape to change the shapes position, but the Move method is better in this case.

Move Objects

Move shapes in relative coordinates, like move the shapes in arrow keys.

//Move gge2 and gge3 from left to right in 20pixel or 200mil step //from top to bottom in 20pixel or 200mil step.

	api('moveObjs', {objs:[{gId:"gge2"},{gId:"gge3"}], addX: 20, addY: 20});

//Move gge2 and gge3 from right to left in 20pixel or 200mil step

	api('moveObjs', {objs:["gge2","gge3"], addX:-20});

//Move selected objects from left to right in 20pixel or 200mil step

	api('moveObjs', {addX:20});

Move Objects To

How to move a VIA or junction to position {x:'10mil', y:'10mil'} ?, Move shapes to absolute coordinates. //Move gge2 and gge3 to Canvas postion 20,20, the real coordinates are dedpend the origin.

	 api('moveObjsTo', {objs:[{gId:"gge2"},{gId:"gge3"}], x:20, y:20});

//move gge2 and gge3 to 10mm, 10mm coordinates

	 api('moveObjsTo', {objs:["gge2","gge3"], x: api('coordConvert', {type:'real2canvas',x: '10mm'}), y: api('coordConvert', {type:'real2canvas',y: '10mm'})});

//Move selected objects to Canvas postion 20,20, the real coordinates are dedpend the origin.

	 api('moveObjsTo', {x:20, y:20});

It is very easy to understand to move a PAD, VIA, Junction to absolution coordinates. But what are the effects of moving TRACK, FOOTPRINT, netlabel to some where. Just try to play the codes, you will find out the regular pattern.


EasyEDA's canvas origin is 0,0, you can't change it. But the real coordinates can be mapped to any where.

//set the real origin point to canvas x = 400, y = 300. X,Y is pixel all the time.

    var result = api('setOriginXY', {x:400,y:300});

Coordinate Convert

You can use mm or mil or inch as units, but when you apply the Parameters to SVG graph, you must use coordinate convert.

//convert the canvas x 400 to real postion, the value is depent your units and origin point.

    var result = api('coordConvert', {type:'canvas2real',x:400})

//the default units is your canvas units, but you can add a units like 300mm. //if your PCB's units is mil, then you will get the canvas coordinate 400mil,300mm.

     var result = api('coordConvert', {type:'real2canvas',x:400,y:'300mm'});

If you set the origin to 0,0. It is very easy to map the coordinate in your mind, you don't need to use API to convert. the canvas coordinate 100,100 equal the real coordinate 1000mil, 1000mil or 1inch, 1inch or 393.7mm, 393.7mm

Value Convert

How to set the pad's hole size to 20mm? How to set the Track width to 20mil?

//the default units is your canvas units, but you can add a units like mm, mil, inch, even pixel.

	 var result = api('valConvert', {type:'real2canvas',val:400});
     result = api('valConvert', {type:'real2canvas',val:'400mm'})

//convert the 400 pixel to real value, the value is depent your units , if the unit is mil, the result should be 4000

result = api('valConvert', {type:'canvas2real',val:400})

If you can keep in mind 1pixel in canvas equal 10mil, so you don't need this API, you can do it in raw way. For example, If you want to update the track size to 20mil, you can do.

	 api('updateShape', {
	  	"shapeType": "TRACK",
	 	"jsonCache": {
		 	"gId": "gge5",
		 	"strokeWidth": 2


	 api('updateShape', {
	  	"shapeType": "TRACK",
	 	"jsonCache": {
		 	"gId": "gge5",
		 	"strokeWidth":  api('valConvert', {type:'real2canvas',val:'20mil'})

Get SVG Arc Path

SVG Arc path Parameter is very complex, We provide a API to convert human read ARC parameter to SVG path.

	 var result = api('getSvgArcPathByCRA', {cx:0, cy:0, rx:90, ry:90, startAngle:0.1, endAngle:0.7, sweepFlag:1});

result should be M89.55037487502231 8.985007498214534A90 90 0 0 1 68.83579685560396 57.97959185139219